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Hello world!

Well finally I am getting round to doing a blog post! For those who don’t know much about me, my name is Sarah and I am the owner/creator of Sprigs and Stems.

Sprigs and Stems provide flowers for weddings, parties, events, funerals. As well as doing weekly or fortnightly visits for corporate and residential places in St Albans and London.

Sprigs is a relatively new business which was created after having a career change. You see I used to be an Occupational Therapist on an acute mental health ward, so completely different! But after 5 years of doing this, i realised that my passion and what would make me happy was working with flowers. So I left and went back to college. Yes as simple as that, well after debating it internally for a number of months, discussed it with my family and then really did just jack it all in! Going back to college was a strange experience, made more so by being the only “mature”  student in my class. Who knew being 29 would be classed as being mature! I must admit to feeling very old when sat amongst 18 year old girls and found myself taking on a mothering role at times.

I was very fortunate to get an excellent internship with a top London florist, which allowed me to build on and develop my creativity and skills. My first year in my new career was the coldest winter we had in England for 20 years. It was freezing cold and despite the 6 layers of clothes, the numb raw hands and ice block for feet, coming home with a huge smile on my face cemented that I had made the right choice.

When I was an Occupational Therapist, I learnt about the therapeutic benefits of horticulture, simply put flowers really do make you happy! They improve your mood as well as encourage social interaction (think how many comments you get when you have flowers with you on the train or in your house and visitors come). This is something I have continued to think about when creating my bouquets by including lots of colour, texture, shapes and scent where possible so that all the senses can be engaged.

Well this is a very brief post, but I just wanted to introduce myself and share some of my floral journey so far. I hope you enjoyed reading this.